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I use Property Management and I need to find the current total square footage of a unit.

The trick here is to use a combination of TSCount and TSFind to locate the last square footage change.  The TSFind function has an optional parameter for the "offset", which is a number of records to skip over.  Zero is the default, and it means "don't skip over any records".  […]

How do I reference a cell from an Office Connector workbook function?

The quick answer is “Replace the existing value with a cell reference using the following syntax “ & <cell address> & “  Following is a more detailed explanation:  Start by creating the workbook function and using a hard-coded value for the filter (see the screen shot for JC transaction example […]

How Do I turn Office Connector off for a particular user under Citrix?

The following procedure will prevent the Office Connector toolbar from showing up for a particular user. Click Start->Run, type regedit and click OK: Navigate to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\%Excel Version Number%\Excel\Options”. Right click “Open” and pick Modify from the popup menu. Delete the value that contains the path to your OfficeConnector.xla file.

How do I verify that the Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate ODBC driver is installed?

To verify your ODBC status: Go into TS-Main and select "Tools / Change registration name or uses". Select "Number of uses" and click Next to display a list of all applications and their activation codes (the same one you see when you install the software). ODBC is listed in the […]

When I try to run the self extractor file that I downloaded from your web site, I get a message saying that it is not a valid Win32 or WinNT image.

This symptom indicates a corrupted download.  Download the image again; when prompted, be sure to click Save, not Open.  Pick a new location and try opening the file from there.Re-downloading might not resolve the issue if the corrupted file is in your Internet cache.  You can tell if this is […]

I installed Office Connector. It shows up in Add/Remove Programs, but it does not show up in Excel. What happened and how do I fix it?

You must close Excel during the installation in order for the setup program to automatically insert the Add-In.  There are two ways to fix this: Close Excel and re-run setup. Follow the steps in the following KB article:How do I unload and load the Office Connector add-in?

Do I need to uninstall Office Connector before upgrading?

You do not need to uninstall Office Connector before installing a new version.  Just install on top of what’s already there.  All Event 1 programs recognize an upgrade and respond appropriately.

How do I copy an existing connection to another workstation running Integrator?

Integrator connections are stored in the Integrator database that resides on the same server that contains your Prolog Manager database(s). When you create a new connection, the connection name and settings are stored in the Integrator database. At the same time, a file is also placed in the Integrator application […]