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How do I create a list of field names in Excel?

Background For each field in the Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate database, there is an internal name and a user-friendly caption.  The user-friendly captions are much more intuitive and the internal names are more cryptic.  Office Connector uses the internal names in queries and worksheet functions because these names […]

Why aren't Subcontract COs transfering and I get an 'Error 0' message?

SymptomAfter running the Perform Modifications task in Integrator, you find that one or more Subcontract COs that were expected to transfer do not appear in Sage Timberline Job Cost.  A review of the Perform Modifications recap report reveals the message "Error 0" at the end of the Subcontract COs section.  A […]

Why does my software report that the license file location has changed?

Symptom When starting your Event 1 Software application, or when the application needs to acquire a license, the following message is displayed: It appears that the location of the license file has changed. Since the license file is associated with a particular machine, you must request updated license keys from […]

Do I need to enter license keys for each workstation?

The license information for all Event 1 Software products that integrate with Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate is stored in a central location.  When license keys are entered from any workstation, the shared license information is updated and all workstations will begin using the new information.  This means that […]

Why do my TSLookup and TSFind functions return zero after optimizing my workbook?

Symptom After upgrading to Office Connector version 2.01.0041 the following message is displayed when opening a workbook that was saved using a prior version of Office Connector: This workbook was saved using a prior version of Office Connector. This workbook needs to be optimized to run faster under the new […]

Why do I receive a message indicating that the cache could not be saved?

Symptom When running a macro that includes a step to save the workbook, the following message may be displayed: The cache cannot be saved.  Please contact technical support for assistance. Would you like to email this information to the support department at Event 1 Software? <Yes> <No>   When caching […]

When Should I Use Filter vs Where?

Excel queries only support the Where technology, so this discussion only applies to the Office Connector workbook functions (TSLookup, TSFind, TSSum, TSCount).  By default, Office Connector workbook functions use Microsoft’s Filter technology to apply criteria.  First, all of the data is loaded, and then the filter is applied.  Once you […]

Function values are zero or blank when workbook is re-opened

Symptom When a workbook that contains Office Connector functions is saved and later the workbook is re-opened, the cells containing Office Connector functions show zeros or blanks. Cause Each Office Connector function represents a link to your Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate database. When Excel evaluates an Office Connector […]

Invalid User Name/Password When Trying to Login

Symptom The following pop-up message is displayed after providing Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate login information using Office Connector: The user name or password you entered is incorrect. Please enter a valid user name and password. Cause Assuming you are entering a valid Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate […]

Unable to open the license file

Symptom When opening Excel, the following message is reported in a pop-up message:   Unable to open the license file!  Please call technical support.    Cause This error is caused when Office Connector is unable to open either the Query license file or the Write license file due to one […]