How do I uninstall an Event 1 Software program?


This article provides the steps to uninstall a software product provided by Event 1 Software, should that be necessary. Note that when upgrading to a new version, it is not necessary to uninstall the old version.


  1. Click the Windows Start button, click Control Panel, and then Add or Remove Programs
  2. Scroll down the list of Currently Installed Programs and locate the program.  Your program will be identified as one of the following depending on which product you are uninstalling:
    • Event 1 Forecast (Remove Only)
    • Event 1 Integrator (Remove Only)
    • Liberty Reports for Application Name
    • Office Connector (Remove Only)
    • Office Connector Administrator (Remove Only)
    • Office Connector Import (Remove Only)
  3. Click Change/Remove
  4. Allow the uninstall process to complete. If prompted about the action to take for files that are no longer in use, click Remove.

Note that the uninstall process only removes files that were placed on your system during installation.  It does not remove files that were created during the use of the software following installation.  If you deem it necessary to remove these files, they can be located in the following folders:

  • 32-bit Environments: \Program Files\Event 1\
  • 64-bit Environments: \Program Files (x86)\Event 1\
  • Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008
    • C:\ProgramData\Event 1\
    • C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\Event 1\
    • C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Roaming\Event 1\
  • Event 1 System Folder (established during installation; typically a shared network path)