A Special Bundled Version of Office Connector
In early 2010, Event 1 Software and Sage partnered to provide a scaled down version of Office Connector Query Standard called Office Connector Starter. This will be brought to you by Sage as part of your Sage software maintenance and will be installed with Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate starting with version 9.7.
Watch The Video
Click here to view a five-minute presentation that describes what Office Connector Starter is.
Included With Office Connector Starter
Office Connector Starter includes six predefined Excel-based report templates that are available for your ongoing use. These report templates offer lots of great value and also serve as an excellent starting point for many companies to get a first taste of true integrated Excel-based reporting with Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate.
Scope of Office Connector Starter
Here are some important things to know about Office Connector Starter:
- No Designer Features - Office Connector Starter does not provide you with any designer features such as access to the query wizard or function wizards.
- Starter Reports Cannot Be Changed - You cannot modify the Office Connector functionality embedded in the six starter reports. This means that you cannot create, modify, or delete Office Connector queries or Office Connector worksheet functions. You are free however to make other changes utilizing the features of Excel and save those changes with your starter workbooks.
- No Impact On Existing Customers - If you already own Office Connector, it will continue to work as before with no change in functionality.
- No License Required for Starter Reports - When starter reports are used, they do not use any licenses of Office Connector. If you already own Office Connector, this means that the licenses you have purchased will not be used when running the starter reports.
- Full Evaluation Available - If you do not own Office Connector, you will be able to evaluate the full product for five business days starting on the day you first use it. You then have the option to continue using only the starter reports or to upgrade to the full product.
Purchasing Office Connector
The full versions of Office Connector products can be purchased from Event 1 Software and from our participating Sage Business Partners. Click here for information about purchasing licenses of Office Connector.