Liberty, Missouri - USA

(816) 366-7077

Buyout 2.00.0019-beta

February 6, 2020


IMPORTANT – This version makes updates to the Buyout database. After installing this update, you must open Buyout Database Manager and upgrade your Buyout databases before using the Buyout application


  • Enhanced Import Estimate window so that the list of WBS fields that an be mapped to the JC Extra are now shown with their customized captions based on the selected estimate.
  • List of Buyout Packages is now sorted alphabetically

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved an issue in the Import Estimate function where a WBS code can be mapped to the JC Extra. This feature was added in the prior version but was not working correctly with all WBS fields.
  • Resolved an issue where an error would occur in the Buyout Package folder tree if the user attempted to delete or rename the root node.
  • Resolved an issue where an error would occur when deleting an estimate or a Buyout Package and the estimate contains one or more items that had previously been deleted. Note – When an item is deleted in a Buyout Package, the record is only soft-deleted meaning that a record of the item remains in the database but no longer appears in the user interface.
  • Resolved an issue on the Vendors step of the Buyout Package window where an error could occur when clicking on a Quote having two nearly identical items and items are being combined.