This step of the wizard requires that you specify the name of a Prolog Manager database. The Prolog database associated with the connection will already be selected. A database may be selected from the databases or you may type the name of the database.
ToolbarThe name of the desired database can be typed in this field. If a database is selected from the list, its name will be placed in this field automatically.
Server ListThis list displays a list of the Prolog Manager databases that reside on the server that was selected in the previous step. This list does not include all databases that reside on the server. A given database is included in this list if its list of user names includes the name`"MPSUser". This user name was created and assigned to the database when it was created via Prolog Administrator.
BackGoes back to the previous step of the wizard.
NextProceeds to the next step of the wizard.
CancelDismisses the window and cancels any changes.