Select Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate Database

File > New Connection - Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate Database This step of the wizard requires that you specify a data folder for Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate. A data folder may be selected from the list of known data folders or you may specify a path to a data folder. A Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate data folder is a folder that contains a Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate control file (ts.ctl). A Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate data folder must contain the following data files to be used with Integrator:
  • Accounts Payable Master (master.apm)
  • Job Cost Master (master.jcm)
OpenDisplays a window that allows you browse for a Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate data folder.
RefreshRefreshes the list of known Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate data folders. This list is updated by Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate when new folders are added and when you search for data folders. Folders that are not currently accessible are not displayed.
Large IconsDisplays the list of data folders as large icons.
Small IconsDisplays the list of data folders as small icons.
ListDisplays the list of data folders as a simple list.
DetailsDisplays the list of data folders as list with details.
Path to Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate dataThe path to the desired Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate data folder can be typed in this field. If a data folder is selected using the Open toolbar button or selected from the list, its path will be placed in this field automatically.Datafolder ListThis list of data folders is built using the list of known Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate data folders that is maintained by Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate. This list is updated by Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate when the Search button is clicked in the Select Company window.BackGoes back to the previous step of the wizard.NextProceeds to the next step of the wizard.CancelDismisses the window and cancels the creation of the new connection.