This step of the wizard requires that you specify the SQL Server where the Prolog Manager database resides. A server may be selected from the list servers or you may type the name of the server.
ToolbarThe name of the desired server can be typed in this field. If a server is selected from the list, its name will be placed in this field automatically.
Server ListThis list displays a list of known SQL Servers. If a given computer is running more than one instance of SQL Server, the list might not show all instances. In this case, you can type the name of the instance in the SQL Server box (e.g., ServerNameInstanceName).
BackGoes back to the previous step of the wizard.
NextProceeds to the next step of the wizard. Depending on the security settings of the selected server, you may be prompted to supply login information for the server at this point.
CancelDismisses the window and cancels the creation of the new connection.