Setup Menu (Settings)

If the Menu style & appearance option under Tools > Options is set to Prolog Manager, this menu will appear on the switch-board menu (on the left edge of the screen) with the caption "Settings". If the Menu style & appearance setting is set to "Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate", this menu will appear on the menu bar at the top with the caption "Setup".

The options on this menu are used to configure settings of the current connection that control how data will be integrated. These options include:

  • General Settings
  • WBS Relationship Wizard
  • Test WBS Relationships
  • Company Settings (Vendor Settings)
  • Budge Code Settings (Cost Code Settings)
  • Budget Settings (Estimate Settings)
  • Budge Change Settings
  • Forecast Settings
  • Contract Settings (Commitment Settings)
  • Subcontract CO Settings (Commitment CO Settings)
  • Purchase Order Settings
  • Cost Settings
  • Invoice Settings
  • Company ID Substitutions (Vendor ID Substitutions)
  • Budget Code Substitutions (Cost Code Substitutions)
  • Contract Substitutions (Commitment Substitutions)

Captions shown above in parenthesis are the default menu captions when the Menu style & appearance option is set to Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate.

Some menu options may be hidden by default depending on the features your license of Integrator includes. The hidden items can be exposed by clicking the downward facing double-chevron that appears at the end of the menu.