LRFilter Function

The LRFilter function is useful to work around the maximum formula length limit of Excel by allowing you to break a single formula into smaller pieces. The LRFilter function was originally created to address Liberty Reports formulas with complex filter arguments, but it can be used for any text argument in any Excel formula.


LRFilter( filter template , enclosers, arg1 , [ ... argn ] )

The LRFilter function syntax has these parts:

filter templateRequired. This argument specifies a pattern containing literal text and replacement markers.
enclosersRequired. This argument specifies how your filter template will identify replacement markers.
arg1 ... argnOptional. This is a comma-delimited list of values used to replace the markers in the filter template. Quite often you will use cell references to columns on the current row that contain key values for your filter. If no arguments are specified, then the filter template is returned unchanged.


Replacement markers refer to the ordinal position of the associated argument. Use the enclosers to identify that a number N is a marker for the Nth argument. For example,

LRFilter("My [1] has [2].", "[]", "dog", "fleas")


My dog has fleas.

because the enclosers argument indicates that any number enclosed in square brackets [ ] is a marker that refers to one of the args, so [1] refers to dog and [2] refers to fleas.