Before you begin using Liberty Reports, you must identify the application database(s) that contain the data you plan to be reporting with using Liberty Reports. The list of databases is a shared list meaning that this task only needs to be performed from one workstations where Liberty Reports is installed.
- Start Microsoft Excel
- Click the Liberty Reports tab of the ribbon and then click Manage Connections.
- Click the Databases tab.
- Click the [+] (plus) button to add a database to the list
- Select the type of application database (e.g., Sage 100 Contractor) from the list and click Next
- The remaining steps are vary based on the type of application database but will typically consist of prompting to select the database server, your login information, and the specific database.
- Provide a name that will be used within Liberty Reports to identify the database.
- Click Finish
- Perform steps 4 through 8 for each additional database you plan to use with Liberty Reports.
- Click Close
FOR SAGE ESTIMATING - Note that the Sage Estimating application uses three different types of databases, all of which can be used with Liberty Reports. The three types of databases are Estimates, Address Book, and Standard Items. Many of the report templates provided with Liberty Reports for use with Sage Estimating use more than one type of database. You will therefore want to add at least one database of each of these three types to your list of databases. When running a report, take note of the type of database Liberty Reports is prompting for so that you select the correct type.