Select Conditions

In this step, you may add conditions to the function that limit the data that will be returned. The toolbar on this step provides the following options:

Add ConditionDisplays the Add Query Condition window which allows you to add a new condition to the query.
Add GroupDisplays the Add Group window which allows you to add a group to which conditions can be added. This allows you to group your conditions with And & Or logic.
Edit Selected ItemWhen a condition is selected, clicking this button displays the Modify Query Condition window allowing you to change an existing condition. If a group is selected, clicking this button displays the Modify Group window allowing you to change the existing group.
Delete Selected ItemPrompts to confirm deletion of the currently selected condition or group.
Switch to text viewAllows you to view and edit conditions as text by using SQL syntax.
Switch to graphical viewAllows you to view and edit conditions graphically. Note that if you previously switched to text view and modified your conditions, you will not be able to switch back to the graphical view without losing your changes.


The following illustration depicts a set of conditions that includes a combination of And and Or groups. For a record to be included in the results, all conditions under an And group must be satisfied. At least one condition within an Or group must be satisfied. Note how groups can be nested within each other.

When viewed as text, the above set of conditions would look like this:


This step only applies to the following functions:
  • DBFind
  • DBSum
  • DBCount
  • DBAvg
  • DBMax
  • DBMin