With Excel 2003, the Liberty Reports toolbar is displayed as a toolbar along with other Excel toolbars. This toolbar may also be enabled for Excel 2007 and higher and would appear on the Add-Ins tab of the ribbon. Click here for details.
Tool Summary
Name | Description |
Report Templates | Launches Liberty Reports Desktop allowing you to access the available set of report templates. |
Select Databases | Allows you to switch the database(s) associated with the connection(s) being used by your report. |
Refresh | Refreshes all Liberty Reports queries and worksheet functions in the current workbook. If a connection to your database has not already been established, this may result in a prompt enter your login credentials. |
Values | Saves a new copy of the current workbook where Liberty Reports query results and worksheet functions have been converted to static values. This produces a version of the workbook that can be opened by any user of Excel without the need to have Liberty Reports installed or the need to have access to your database(s). If the current workbook has not yet been saved, you will be prompted to save it first. After the values copy has been saved it will become the current workbook and the original will be closed. |
Query | With a designer license, this button displays the Query Wizard window which guides you through the steps of creating a query that returns rows of data with one or more columns. Once inserted, a query can be refreshed to display current information. Doing so may cause the range of cells on the worksheet to expand (with new rows inserted) or shrink (deleting rows). A query is often the primary building block of a report design. |
Function | With a designer license, this button displays the Function Wizard window which guides you through the steps of adding Liberty Reports functions to your worksheet. Liberty Reports functions are capable of querying specific values or aggregate values from your database so that they can be displayed in the desired location on your worksheet. These functions are often a primary building block of a report design by providing useful information in the header of the report or in the body of the report adjacent to a query. |
Edit SQL | If the current cell is within the range of data returned by a query, this button displays the Edit SQL Text window allowing you to view or modify the SQL statement associated with the query. If the current cell is not within the range of data returned by a query, this button displays the Select QueryTable window allowing you to identify which query's SQL statement you wish to edit in the Edit SQL Text window. |
Options | Displays the Program Options window where you can access settings and information pertaining to software updates, licensing, technical support, the current workbook, and other options. |
Help | Displays the online help for Liberty Reports. |