The Misc Worksheets feature of Job Cost allows you to track Cost Code level or Category level progress data such as Percent Complete, Cost To Complete, Cost At Completion, and Units in Place. In the past, you had two choices for updating this information. You could either enter values into the Misc Worksheets window in Job Cost or you could write data values to these fields via ODBC (using Office Connector Write or Forecast for example).
The Difference
The value of entering your data in Job Cost was that transactions would be created to capture your historical changes. This would allow you to get reports as of a point in time that included these values. Writing these values directly via ODBC would not result in the transactional history though and so you needed to weigh the benefit of transactional history against being able to use your tool of choice.
Importing Transactions
As an authorized Sage Development Partner Program member, Event 1 Software has access to special programming interfaces. Using these tools, we have created this import function (similar to other import features you see within Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate) for the purpose of importing JC Misc Worksheet transactions. Just put your Misc Worksheet data into the necessary comma-delimited text file format and then our program allows you to import your file. Transactions are created and posted as if you had entered them via the Misc Worksheets window in Job Cost!
This new functionality is packaged with Office Connector Import when licensed with the JC Misc Worksheet feature. With this license of Office Connector Import you can choose to either use Office Connector Import to create Excel-based Misc Worksheets or you can use the import program by itself to import transactions created from other sources. In addition, you should note that a license of Job Cost will be used while the import process is taking place.