KB Microsoft Products

How to Test SQL Server ODBC Connectivity
BackgroundApplications such as Liberty Reports and Event 1 Integrator utilize the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver to query data from SQL Server databases. This article provides a set of steps that can be used to confirm whether the SQL Server ODBC Driver is functioning as expected using tools that are […]
How to setup a Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Data Source
Background An ODBC Data Source consists of a descriptive name that you provide and a SQL Server database that it represents. Applications that can utilize ODBC Data Sources will allow you to identify the source of data using the name that you assign. Event 1 applications access the SQL Server […]
Location of Microsoft Office Executable Files
The location of Microsoft Office executable files (exe files) will vary depending on the following factors - Version of Microsoft Office Windows Operating System (32-bit or 64-bit) How Microsoft Office was installed (from CD media, MSI file, or Click-To-Run download) To locate your installed location of Microsoft Office executable files […]
Microsoft Excel 2016 Build 1708 Bug – Template Files Open Duplicate Workbooks
Scenario Attempting to open Liberty Reports or Office Connector Suite templates results in two duplicate workbooks being created from the template instead of one. Cause An update to Microsoft Office 2016, released on September 12th, 2017, introduces a bug which results in this behavior for all Excel template files, not […]
An Unexpected Situation Was Encountered When Using Liberty Reports or Office Connector Suite Products In Microsoft Excel 2016 Version 1707
Scenario Attempting to utilize Liberty Reports or Office Connector Suite products results in an error stating, "An unexpected situation was encountered." Cause An update to Microsoft Office 2016, released on July 27th, 2017, includes a damaged copy of a Windows component required for Liberty Reports and Office Connector Suite products. […]
Unable to Update Company Name
Background Due to a requirement for elevated privileges in some installed versions of Microsoft Office 2016, you may receive an error message when attempting to run licensing for Office Connector products. Error Unable to Update Company Name for... Resolution To gain the proper elevated prviliges when this occurs, please follow […]
Microsoft Office 2010 Security Update Impairs Functionality
Problem A recent Security Update to Microsoft Excel 2010 causes loss of functionality in some reports designed for Liberty Reports and Office Connector. While some reports may work, others may present the following symptom. Symptom During refresh, Excel will stop responding while calculating results. Recommendation In order to restore functionality […]
Add Event 1 Software, Inc. to Microsoft’s Trusted Publishers
Background In some environments, Microsoft's Trust Center will not allow you to automatically add Event 1 Software, Inc. as a trusted publisher using the instructions listed here. If this occurs in your environment, the instructions listed below should help you resolve the matter. Recommendation Excel 2010 & above Do not […]
How to access a Sage 100 Contractor SQL database with Liberty Reports
Background Beginning with Sage 100 Contractor version 20, Microsoft SQL Server is now used for the underlying database that stores your Sage 100 Contractor data. Liberty Reports automatically adds databases to the list of known databases with Sage 100 Contractor version 19 and prior. This functionality is not possible with […]